
Whether you believe in these crystal energies or not is of course, completely up to you. However, whatever your thoughts are, it is undeniable it certainly does add quite a fun aspect to designing a super personal piece of jewellery for yourself, a friend or family member.

As you can imagine, researching all this information, took quite some time for me.

At times it was pretty confusing as there was so much information out there and it got me thinking about providing an easier combined resource that allowed my customers a simplified overview of the information in one place as it pertained to the stones Wristocracy carried. So in compiling this, I have tried largely to focus mainly on the stones that I have in stock. I do intend to add to it from time to time as my stock and knowledge changes.

FYI this information is not intended to be the ultimate guide, but more offer a little bit of a frame work in which to plan your jewellery if this sort of thing appeals. If you are very serious about these matters I do suggest adding some of your own research in as well.